Epworth Eastern

Trusted accommodation near Epworth Eastern

HomeHospital AccommodationVictoriaEpworth Eastern

Trusted accommodation near Epworth Eastern

Discounted accommodation for patients, carers and families near Epworth Eastern

Need accommodation near the Epworth Eastern Hospital? MediStays supports patients, carers and families needing accommodation near the Epworth Hospital in Box Hill. We offer trusted and convenient apartments and hotel accommodation nearby. Book online for short stays or contact us directly for MediStays special rates if you are staying for more than 7 nights.
Self-contained apartments and hotels
discounted accommodation near hospital
Discounted rates for patients, carers and families
Easy access accommodation
Trusted, convenient and reliable
frequently booked accommodation medistays hospital accommodation

Frequently booked accommodation

Find accomodation that suits your needs

Car Parking

Search for accommodation with car-parking available onsite or nearby.

MediStays gym in hospital accommodation for country patients staying near the hospital.

Gym facilities

Search for accommodation offering gym facilities onsite or nearby.


Search for properties to stay with your with your service animal, therapy pet and best companion.

Frequently booked accommodation by carers and families

Frequently booked accommodation by carers and families

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1300 085 036
