Rapid Request for NDIS STA

We are here to assist you book trusted Short Term Accommodation (STA) for participants of the NDIS.
HomeNDIS AccommodationRapid Request For NDIS STA

Short Term Accommodation (STA) supports participants of the NDIS with short stays and respite accommodation. At MediStays, we match STA with the individual needs of every participant and their NDIS plan goals.

Did you know that many participants can access up to 28 nights STA every year? Find out more here

Our STA Rapid Request form is a quick and trusted way to request STA for you or your participant.

Simply submit your referral and a MediStays Care Navigator will respond within 3 hours (office hours).

Are you a Disability Provider, Agent or Organisation booking and paying for accommodation on behalf of your clients? Please submit your enquiry via our Agent and Group Referrals form.

Please begin: 


Looking for accommodation?
General Enquiries & Booking Assistance

Our friendly team are here to assist you during office hours Monday to Friday.

Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm (AEST, Melbourne)